Shachi Maheshwari is a Performance Coach with over 28 years of Corporate Experience & 18 years of experience as a Coach. She has collaborated with multiple MNCs with teams as well as individuals. Her training focuses on stress, time and delegation management with special emphasis on goal alignment.
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About Coach Shachi
Shachi Maheshwari has worn many hats in a career spanning almost 30 years. A chartered accountant by qualification, she had a successful run as the chief financial officer of a reputed media conglomerate based out of Hyderabad. In the last 30 years of her professional career, she has excelled as a motivational trainer, keynote speaker and performance coach.
Having discovered coaching as a passion, Shachi started as a life coach to individuals (Corporate Coach) helping them in areas of health, healing and happiness. Her nuanced approach and effectiveness of her programs were soon recognized and her corporate services included imparting training to CXOs and entrepreneurs across verticals.
Having scaled the heights in her corporate career in senior leadership roles, she has an acute understanding of the challenges faced by senior management, in general, and sector-specific as well. While her coaching aided in achieving better efficiencies in the workplace, it also established a unique alignment of personal and professional goals leading to a wholesome life!
Books By Coach Shachi
Global Women Achiever Award 2019
Knowledge Gate Award 2016
Who works with performance coach?
Corporations for executive coaching and team leadership:
1. Organizations
2. Teams
3. Leaders
4. Executives
Individuals; for rapid development in areas such as:
1. Leadership,
2. Interpersonal impact,
3. Delivering the bottom line
4. Strategising,
5. Envisioning,
6. Self-discipline,
7. Skill development,
8. Enhanced knowledge,
9. Innovation,
10. Self-management,
Why hire a performance coach?
We are engaged by corporations and people because:
1. They want more
2. They want it sooner
3. They want “less-stress”
4. They do not currently have the skills in-house
5. They need an objective 3rd party perspective
6. They want to be more productive
7. They don’t want to stumble along
8. They know they are at a crossroads
9. They want to discover innovative ways of doing things
10. They want more options
How is this different from consulting, therapy, or having a supportive friend?
A supportive friend is wonderful to have; but do they hold the objectivity and distance that a coach does? A coach is a professional who is trusted to work with you on the most important aspects of your life and/or business. A coach offers a different perspective of the truth because of the emotional and unbiased distance the professional relationship offers.
Does the coach work on personal or professional goals?
Both! The common denominator between a client and productivity is YOU, the client. Our systems and processes inevitably work with all aspects of personal, business, and professional goals. Our experience suggests that personal issues always impact business performance and business issues impact personal performance. What’s your experience?
What is your “focus”?
We focus on where you decide the greatest need is. Part of the discussions often include:
1. Where are you now about where you want to be?
2. What are your goals? Are they based on your values?
3. What is success for you?
4. To get what you want from any situation, what are the areas of strength, and what are the areas for improvement and focus?
By creating the focus around what you want to achieve, we can guarantee that the greatest impact is achieved within the shortest space of time and with the least amount of effort.
Why does it work?
1. It’s not about what you know different that makes the difference, it’s what you DO differently.
2. People learn quicker through personal discovery rather than instruction or information transfer. FACT.
3. Our systems and processes generate synergy, which in turn generates unbelievable momentum
4. Our systems and processes root you in reality. Amaze has no agenda, no bias, and no personal association with the issues
5. Our systems and processes yield better-defined goals
6. You develop new skills and adopt new behaviours that translate into a more successful and balanced life.
How long does it take?
The commitment will vary, depending upon your desired outcomes and the pace at which you want to reach your goal. It can vary from:
1. A single session
2. Accelerator programme:
Typically lasting from 1 to 3 months and is used to quickly achieve the desired level of personal performance.
3. Maintenance programme:
The hard work has been done and you now want to ensure continued success, personal accountability, and higher personal development. There is always the option to discontinue coaching at any stage, our clients usually want to “raise the bar” again and move up to the next level.
You retain control at all times.
What ‘coaching model’ do you use?
The model used is based on the principles of “reflective coaching” (guiding the individual to develop their strategies to progress rather than showing them how to fix it) and “appreciative inquiry” (building on existing strengths and using the individual’s preferred way of learning).
What about confidentiality?
Nothing will ever be divulged outside of our relationship. You have our word. What you are doing, how you are doing, what you have achieved and your secrets will never be discussed with anyone.
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