PRODUCTIVITY RATE CARD HOME » PRODUCTIVITY RATE CARD Fill in your details to get your free productivity score. Step 1 of 31 - Personal Details 3% Name* First Email* Phone Number*CAPTCHA Happiness ScoreIf you face any kind of problem or adversity , there are at least two people around you with whom you can openly share your problem.* Strongly Agree May be Never Imagine a situation that you have planned your Sunday and you intend to do things you love to do the most. Suddenly your spouse asks you to come along with her to her friend's function, in which you are least interested. You prefer to go with her and make her happy.* Strongly Agree May be Never When you are in stress, you take some amount of alocohol or you smoke to release stress* Strongly Agree May be Never Every day morning you get up in a hurry and with a thought that it is one more day of struggle and you mentally prepare yourself for another hectic day.* Strongly Agree May be Never At times when you are feeling low and not feeling great, people around you figure out first but you cannot figure it out so easily.* Strongly Agree May be Never You are a very good planner and spend lot of time thinking about future and organize your finances. Due to this, thinking about future makes you worried.* Strongly Agree May be Never You have a strong belief that everyone is performing their duties and doing what they are supposed to do, whether it is servant at home, staff in a restaurant or any one else and you feel that there is no need to be thankful to them since they are doing it as part of their job for which they get paid.* Strongly Agree May be Never In any social gathering, you are a person who does not go and talk and introduce himself to the people but rather prefer people coming to you to start a conversation* Strongly Agree May be Never If you have couple of hours free time, you always want to meet or be with someone and feel that you want to use the time productively instead of just spending a relaxed time with your own self.* Strongly Agree May be Never If there is a heated argument with someone, you prefer clarifying your position and settling the issue during conversation itself instead of waiting for the right time or opportunity to explain the person.* Strongly Agree May be Never This field is hidden when viewing the formhappy Results EffectivenessA new person has joined in your department to handle customer complaints and she is taking more time to resolve customer issues as she is in the process of learning. Would you prefer getting involved and resolve issues yourself.* Strongly Agree May be Never Your company wants to cut cost and a choice is given to you to either cancel trade show which generates few customer leads or cancel family get together which is a big motivation and team building exercise for employees. Would you cancel Trade show?* Strongly Agree May be Never Every Friday, a meeting is conducted by Vice president Production and it is optional for you to attend this meeting. It does not add much value to you but to be politically right, generally no one skips this. Would you decide to be on right side of Vice President Production and attend this meeting?* Strongly Agree May be Never You are passionate about meeting new customers. You are nominated by Management to attend a training to enhance your skills but at the same time a new sales lead has come and your subordinate wants you to accompany him for this customer visit. Would you skip training and go for customer meeting?* Strongly Agree May be Never Your company made a record profit. As a good gesture, company has allocated some budget for motivating people. HR department is insisting that the budget be used for taking employees on foreign tour to improve team bonding; but people feel that they would be happy if cash bonus is given. Would you prefer taking them for a foreign trip?* Strongly Agree May be Never If its a busy day for you and you already have a planned schedule. Suddenly a collegue walks in asking for some help on something he has actually been struggling with. Would you leave every thing and first help collegue?* Strongly Agree May be Never You are known as a very people centric person, liked by all in the organization and your personality does not allow you to be harsh and straight with people for giving feedback about their performance. You always prefer an indirect approach and look for an appropriate opportunity to give your feedback to any person.* Strongly Agree May be Never Instead of getting feedback about your performance from your superior on regular intervals, you prefer an annual performance appraisal session with him and get all feedbacks only annually once.* Strongly Agree May be Never You prefer finishing all your tasks before your day ends even if it gets very late in the evening. You even don’t mind if you have to carry work home.* Strongly Agree May be Never After delegating jobs to your subordinates and giving them a deadline to finish, you monitor them on regular basis to see if they are on schedule and how well are they working?* Strongly Agree May be Never This field is hidden when viewing the formeff results You are very disciplined on following your doctor's instructions and are regular in taking prescribed medicines. You intake of medicines is 5 or more tablets in a week.* Strongly Agree May be Never Do you feel tired, drained and hungry and feel the need to eat again just after two or three hours after your lunch or dinner?* Strongly Agree May be Never Whenever you see a fit person whose body is in shape, you always try to compare your body with that person and wish if you can be like him or her.* Strongly Agree May be Never You feel that acidity, constipation, throat infection fall in the category of normal problems and which cannot be avoided due to the quality of air and food outside and enviornmental issues around us.* Strongly Agree May be Never After walking for just 2-4 kilometers you get muscle ache and joint aches* Strongly Agree May be Never After eating dinner or lunch do you generally feel bloatedness, persistent fullness, burping or gastritis?* Strongly Agree May be Never You perform any physical exercise or any type of fitness regime at least 4 times in a weak* Strongly Agree May be Never Do you get up in the morning feeling exhausted even after sleeping for 6 or more hours and have a problem to get sound sleep everyday ?* Strongly Agree May be Never On a beautiful day with a nice weather, instead of going out for a walk, your prefer to be inside house and sip your coffee or tea and enjoy the beauty and peace sitting in room or balcony* Strongly Agree May be Never You spend sitting outside in nature whether in a park or with plants at least 5 times in a month* Strongly Agree May be Never This field is hidden when viewing the formhealth results