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Spiritual Balance Your Key To Healing

by | Jun 15, 2018 | Healthy Life Style, Thought Process Changes

What is Spirituality?

What is Spiritual Balance?

Why is your connection to the divine force important?

Do you do your bit to be spiritually aligned?

How is healing related to all the above?


The word “Spiritual” itself starts to create a serene feeling of peace within. All of us keep hearing about this word but what does it really mean? Lot of people have defined it in different ways and all of those ways are correct because all of them lead to just the same-


When you feel one with everything around yourself

When you can start thinking about others in the same way as you think about yourself

When your purpose is aligned with the purpose of the Universe

When you start feeling and understanding the divine presence around yourself

When you start seeing yourself as a source of that divine strength

When you are happy and in a state of bliss without a reason

When you feel you have more things to thank than to ask for in life

When you do and talk more about wonders you are confronting in life

When you feel the energy within self to do more and more to return to this universe


We are the replica of the divine force which has created all of us and by that understanding we all possess that divine force within us also. When we find an answer to our unique selves about what is the purpose of our existence and find it easy to connect with the fact that we are here to be a happy and contented soul, we actually can find that spiritual balance.

A spiritually sound person knows that he gets happiness only by service to others. A spiritually sound person always supports others for any positive and good deed. A person to be spiritually balanced finds something to read as a food for thought and applies them. An evaluation of our life makes it clear that all the places where we have applied good principles and positive intention always has given utmost satisfaction to us.

It is sometimes most difficult to understand simple things because we apply too much of mind and we think that good things can’t be so simple. If a person comes forward today to prove something positive there will be hundred people who will put their energy to think how can they prove it wrong instead if all these people welcome the positive in its simplicity, apply it and find out themselves they would know that a wonderful life is that simple.

We have seen belief systems and so many have been taught to us to actually stop trusting on anything around us. If everything looks good we try to find the catch in the situation immediately. If a person has been cheated by another person once in a lifetime, he reminds of this cheating not less than thousand times to others around him and to his own self. Actually he wants to prove that everyone is a cheater and people will hardly find a good person around and that simply says that you are not yet spiritually aligned. A one in life incident can shake our faith on everything else of similar type situation. A spiritually balanced person will find a reason to believe every time because he believes that, it is the divine force, which is working in this universe and not just the one person’s fault playing the game to distract you, from your balanced mind.

Like the same electricity connection which helps the tube light to give light, a fan to give air, a heater to heat, an air conditioner to cool and a television to show picture; your connection to the divine force makes uou do different wonders in different walks you are playing whether it is your behavior towards others, service to others, helping people around, taking help from others, be an inspiration to others, do a profitable business by being a perfect businessman, good employee, good human being, etc.

Being spiritually balanced ensures that every role is performed in the best possible way so that you are happy to be yourself and your mind and body is aligned to that feeling of happiness to heal all sides of life. Healing is not only of a physical body it is also concerned with your energy and spiritual body around you.

Everything has a purpose and so have you and if you align yourself with that purpose you actually find your spiritual balance in everything you do.

An ideal way to practice and welcome spiritual balance is to spend some time doing nothing and sit peacefully with closed eyes the first and last thing in your day and say-

“O divine provide the purpose of my life to me and guide me to accomplish it in the best possible manner.

O divine I truly thank you for being my source of strength and faith and I am always connected to you

O divine please be with me”

Come let us work on enhancing our living experience by making our soul and body spiritually aligned and fully balanced to heal itself completely because –


Happy Health to all of you!!