A lot has been said before in researches done on visual healing techniques used. It is imperative for a person to understand the different doors from which the healing can come in within our bodies. Whether its our physical bodies or energy bodies, both get healed by the simple ways that we adopt to enable holistic healing within us.
For a healing to happen to our bodies, we take a lot of steps in different directions. By healing I mean all the different kinds of healings, inner healings or outer healings. It does not necessarily mean that healing is required only when we are sick or dis-eased. Healing is a continuous process within our bodies.
Some healings actually cannot be seen happening within our cells as it forms part of our natural process. Like forming bodies to fight anti-bodies, creating immunity cells and regenerate the dead cells for a continuous functioning of the organs. This process is a continuous one and we don’t even realize the amount of energies our body puts in for that kind of healing. Hence the point I am trying to make is the healing which happens without knowledge and the one which happens with our knowledge needs to be understood differently. For some people the natural healing is very slow and hence if they are sick, the healing is much slower in comparison to the others.
One miraculous way to help a slow healing is to increase its pace by putting Visual Healing into practice to augment the healing process. This is very helpful in case of serious ailments also. Visual healing is about concentrating and seeing with closed eyes all the internal healings which a body is working at.
When we see a healthy body organ, we actually need to see this way- The affected organ or area is functioning perfectly well and the dis-eased cells are flushed out of the body due to the healing and now the organ or area is working perfectly fine.
For some chronic dis-eases like cancer it can work wonders if a person visualizes that all the affected organs or organ are cleaned with divine healing light and flushing or sweeping out all the dis-eased cells to restore health. This technique is used along with other methods of healing for chronic ailments and this makes the healing very effective and fast. Imagining a perfect organ or each and every body part makes our mind power work on to heal to achieve the perfect health. It’s a divine healing light which is imagined to enter through our head and flow into our bodies to heal. Like it is said that if a person losses the will to live, no medicine can work, a person using visualizing healing heals many folds when it adds will to heal.
The best way to start visual healing is to make a prayer and sit with closed eyes to visualize which will make it effective way to connect to the source of healings and get the divine light to heal ourselves completely. Specific organs can also be addressed along with visualizing pictures of the organs in a functioning state.
A Prayer to enable this- “O” Divine healing light I thank you for perfect health body and all the organs within. I now invite you to heal each and every cell of my energy and physical body. Please flow to flush out all the dis-eased cells and enable healing in every way.”
Come let’s remind ourselves to sit silently after thanking the divine healing light and invite health and vitality by visualizing perfect health organs, to rebuild all our spirits to align and heal us. Try this easy healing with miraculous results.
Happy Health to all of you!!